1. It is probably the only room in the house that nobody but me messes with. Occasionally I send the kids down to get something, but other than that they never bother with it. This means that for better or for worse, it always stays just how I leave it. That in itself is miraculous to me.
2. You can't hear the phone ring in the storage room. Need I say more?
3. I can use my label machine to my hearts content. Can you say neatly labeled buckets, shelves and cans. Aaah, contentment!
4. The kids frequently forget that we have a storage room, so it is a good hiding place when I need a time out. It also dampens the sound really well so that when they're yelling for me, I can honestly say "I did answer you, you just didn't hear me!"
5. I'm surrounded by food, duh!
Here are a few pictures of my haven. Baylie-when you read this, consider yourself initiated in some of the important details of motherhood. Hold them sacred and secret!
PS. I know there are empty shelves-Empty shelves in storage room=not good. I'm working on it! Baby steps people,baby steps