Friday, March 27, 2009

It's my birthday! (Yesterday)

I have always loved my birthday. I feel like it's a day when I can unashamedly make everything about me. I have stopped reminding everyone about my big day as I have gotten older but I still look forward to it and let those close to me know that I have certain expectations. First of all, I do not cook on my birthday, I do not make lunches and I do not do laundry. I am willing to still drive kids to school and answer the phone and stuff as long as everyone recognizes that it is my birthday and I am doing this out of the goodness of my heart.

When my sister Holly and I were in college we would always have a birthday celebration day. Our birthdays are only 5 days apart, so we would celebrate together by going to all of the places that give you free stuff on your birthday and then going shopping. It was awesome. Since Holly and I don't live close to each other any more we haven't been able to do that for many years. Once our kids are a little bigger though, we will be resuming our tradition.

This year for my Birthday I signed myself up for all of the free birthday stuff I could find. (Google "free birthday stuff") I have free ice cream from Baskin Robbins and Cold Stone, a free dessert at Macaroni Grill, a free burger at Red Robin, a free dish at Noodles and Co and free food from Famous Daves. Now I just have to find time to cash in on all of these because I only have about a 1 week window for some of them.

Yesterday for my birthday, I slept in a little bit and then took the kids to school. I had told them they were in charge of their own lunches but some of them still didn't realize I was serious. When they asked me, as they were getting out of the car, if I would drop lunch off to them I didn't even feel guilty when I said "nope, it's my birthday". They're resourceful and they can always get hot lunch. After I dropped off kids, I really wanted a ham and cheese croissant from Hagermans and fresh orange juice from Einsteins but it was practically a blizzard so I decided to just stay in my car and go through the drive up at Einsteins. The orange juice was great, the eggsandwhich bagel thing was ok. I will make up for it by going to Hagermans today. I went home and vegged in front of my computer for too long and then got ready to go to lunch with my friends. We met at Olive Garden and thoroughly enjoyed the soup, salad and breadsticks and of course, dessert! Thanks Sallie, Melinda and Merrilee! My lovely sil Jen watched my kids for me. Thank you! I decided to stop at Kohls on the way home to try and find a new purse. I am on a quest but have not been able to find exactly what I want-erggh. After not finding a purse, chasing down Hallie and Ashton and discovering that the Playtex Just my size "almost A" bra fit me way too well, I decided it was time to go. I parked the kids in front of the computer and tv and spent the rest of the afternoon reading. I wasn't hungry for dinner so I ordered Chinese food for everyone else and continued to read until Jason got home. Jason and the kids sang me Happy Birthday and gave me some golf balls and a new glove. Despite my reassurances, Hallie was still very concerned that there was only one glove. I had book club at 7:30 so I spent the rest of the evening discussing books, food and life. We ate fresh strawberries and I blew out a floating candle. I love my book club! I ended my perfect day with my favorite person, Jason.

I have golf stuff, a candle, flowers and cards to remind my of my wonderful day yesterday but most importantly, I have more memories of feeling loved and celebrated on my favorite day of the year.


Jen said...

I'm glad you had such a good day! You deserve it!

salgal said...

I am glad we could go out for your birthday! It was a fun lunch!! Happy Birthday Nikkie!

Laura Stringham said...

Sounds like a really fun day. Happy late Birthday.
I'm totally going to get to get all those birthday coupons when mine rolls around.

Cristine Garrison said...

so i am seriously the most horrible person when it comes to remembering birthdays. but happy birthday!!!! i know thats so lame. but thank you for being such a wonderful sister-in-law and friend. We love you!